Love By Faith

For the Guys: The Power of Spiritual Leadership in Relationships | Love By Faith with Kyle & Selina Almodovar #044

Kyle & Selina Almodovar Season 2 Episode 44

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What makes a man truly captivating to women of faith? Our latest episode promises to reveal the transformative power of spiritual leadership in relationships.

We explore how a man passionately devoted to his faith can lay a solid foundation for enduring partnerships, discussing not just the allure of such fervor but the necessary steps to maintain it. This episode offers heartfelt advice and practical insights for both men and women looking to nurture their faith-based relationships.

Maintaining genuine spirituality can be challenging, especially when the routines of life turn passion into mere obligation. From complacency to authentic spiritual growth, we address the frustrating cycle that men and women face when spiritual fronts crumble, leaving behind a trail of disappointment. Our candid discussion emphasizes the importance of real spiritual leadership, where actions are backed by genuine faith, inspiring trust, and unity in relationships. The journey to keeping the flame alive in faith isn't easy, but it's vital for a thriving partnership.

Other topics mentioned in this episode:

- Women's attraction to a godly man
- Being on fire for God
- Losing your spark for God
- Fake faith to get girls
- Husbands growing a stagnant faith walk 
- Growing your faith together with your spouse
- Husbands being held accountable by their wives
- Husbands getting to the heart of their wives through their faith
- Jack Black voice warmups (find it here:
- Tongue twisters
- Fletchers and arrows
- Keebler elves

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Speaker 1:

There is nothing more attractive than a man who's on fire for God.

Speaker 2:

Does he respond with prayer, or is prayer only on Sunday? You might get defensive, it might hurt, it might come and be like whoa, what do you mean? I do this and this and this.

Speaker 1:

The girl's like but what happened to the fire? We're not perfect people.

Speaker 2:

By any means.

Speaker 1:

But by trusting in God we learn what it takes to build a friendship.

Speaker 2:

A relationship.

Speaker 1:

And marriage that has stood the test of time.

Speaker 2:

With a Keeping it Real style. We're going to talk to you about everything everything that we've been through are going through and have overcome All by learning how to lean on God and each other in order to help you learn how to love by faith.

Speaker 1:

What's up?

Speaker 2:

everybody bringing it good morning season two episode two two twos. Two. Episode two Two twos.

Speaker 1:

Two, two, two, two, two On a.

Speaker 2:

Tuesday you like that, it reminded me. You like that I've been working on my dad jokes. It reminded me of when I saw Jack Black do all his tongue twisters to warm up his voice.

Speaker 1:

Give me an example.

Speaker 2:

I can't. They were so deep I couldn't. You have to link it or something. I'm usually pretty good with them. Give me two minutes and I can usually get the tongue twister down pretty solid. Let's hear it. Let's hear the woodchuck. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck? If a woodchuck could?

Speaker 1:

chuck wood Too slow.

Speaker 2:

Why? Because it's too slow. Well, I disagree with you.

Speaker 1:

As always, that's not new to me, right? That doesn't faze me.

Speaker 2:

Last. It's not new to me, right? That doesn't faze me. Last week's episode was so much fun. It was so good to be back in here and just get going.

Speaker 1:

You were on a roll.

Speaker 2:

I had so much fun talking. Better than all and I was definitely enjoying the topic and looking forward to episode two.

Speaker 1:

We got a lot of feedback from episode one just about how helpful it was to many women, many men. Helpful it was to many women, many men, and I think that was a topic that spans across all cultures and religion and faith backgrounds even as well. Because, no matter what, we want to have strong men. We want to have strong men in a relationship. We want to have strong men as the head of the household. We want to have strong men, period, and so what you spoke on about knowing their identity and knowing how to stay driven just really hones in on that fact of like this is how you become a strong man.

Speaker 2:

I think our goal you know it's called For the Guys the series is For the Guys. We wanted we obviously we always want each member of the couple to be able to take something away, right? Even though it's called called for the guys, it's something that both the guy and the girl could take away from and I think we nailed that with giving giving guys like, hey, take it easy on this, you know what I mean in this area.

Speaker 2:

And giving the girls like, hey, take it easy in this area. And the guys like look out for this and girls like look out for that. If we keep that going through this series, this podcast will be in a great spot.

Speaker 1:

I know that we're going to kind of hone in a little bit more on our faith this week when we talk about what guys can do.

Speaker 1:

And for the guys and for all of you women of faith out there, godly women, christian women out there, all of you women of faith out there, golly women, christian women out there.

Speaker 1:

I think I'm correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you will agree with me when I say that there is nothing more attractive than a man who's on fire for God. There's nothing more attractive. I mean, yes, you got to have the looks and you got to have the swag and you got to have the right vibe, and you know you got to be driven, of course, and you know you can't be a buster out here in these streets, but to have a man who is a spiritual leader in that relationship, I think, is just. It takes our heart away. It's something that we look for when, if you're single and you're trying to find a mate, you know you're trying to find a spouse, you're looking for that man who loves the Lord more than anything and then finds you as the suitable partner to love the Lord together with, and so when you find that it's very special, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think the hardest part for me is the challenge of, when it gets too routine, to press pause and be like wait, this is just getting something I'm doing to check off my list. Recentering and being like this has a deep meaning. This has a true meaning that's going to build me up as a better man and this is not just another thing in my busyness to check off of my to-do list. Yeah, it's not.

Speaker 2:

I'm always conscientious of letting my spirituality, my spiritual leadership I said it with air quotes letting my spirituality grow into something that's just a religious exercise yeah, where it's just me just doing it to do it yeah, right, yeah and so really centering on that and being able to say, hey, wait, you're not, your heart's not in this, you're just going through the motions right now yeah you know and step back. Those are always those aha moments and where you go to another, where I feel like you know you go to another level. It's those moments where you go to another.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to say another, yeah, it is another level yeah, yeah, I, I think it's really, I think it goes both ways. You know, I think as whole this could be a whole other topic on itself beyond, just for the guys, I think women and men as a whole, when it comes to their faith, they get stuck in that, they get stuck in the religiosity of who God is to them and so they go through the motions and they do the movements and they follow the traditions of what their faith looks like, based on how they were raised and what they saw in their church setting, and they forget about the spirituality of God, they forget that he is a living God, they forget that he is a personal God. And to have that one-on-one relationship is often being missed. And I'm taking it back to a guy's point of view and from a girl's frustration in this setting. I think a lot of the times women, they will date a person or marry a man and he was on fire at one point, and that's what we were drawn to.

Speaker 1:

We were drawn to that spiritual fire that we saw within them. But then, you know, seasons happen, marriage happens, kids happen, jobs happen, hard times happen, and then all of a sudden the fire kind of goes very small and weak and faint, and so then they see the religiosity come back out. So it's like, okay, we see you going through the motions. And then the guy is like, well, I'm in my word, I'm going to church, I'm taking the kids, what more do you want? And then the girl's like, but what happened to the fire, what happened to the blaze? That really set us up and helped us kindle what we had, what we started in the beginning.

Speaker 1:

And I think it's very frustrating because nine times out of 10, you go to a church. There's a lot more women in there than there are men Praying, volunteering, going in ministry. That's not always the case, but usually it is, and so women are tired. We're the prayer pillars in the home or the prayer pillars in the relationship, and we love when a guy comes around and he is taking the initiative to go deeper into the word to go deeper into their prayer closet, to go deeper into the Lord spoke to me and this is what he said about us.

Speaker 1:

This is the vision that I heard. This is what the Holy Spirit told me To have a guy say take my hand and we're going to trust in God. And God's got my hand and we're going in this together. I think for me I can only speak for me personally. But if you were to tell me that day in and day out, I will blindly follow, I'd be like yes, sir, of course, because I know that you are being led by God.

Speaker 1:

And when you, as a man, get that close to God in your relationship with him and you're being that trusting in what he is leading you to do as the head of the house and as the guy of the relationship, it makes it that much easier for us to not only trust in you but to have security over you and to be your helper, to be like how can I be a part of this mission? How can I make this come through and come to life the way that you see that vision as? But it doesn't always work that way and women are very tired and frustrated about it. So what can we do?

Speaker 2:

You know, while you were talking about that, you said a lot there At the beginning, when you were talking about guys get on fire while they're dating or on fire while they're yes. Before they get together and then, once they get together, it kind of fizzles. Yes, that goes back to the sports analogy we were talking about last week.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So the guys, guys, if this is the case, a lot of times it's it's kind of a it was already hollow from the beginning it was a show to, to put on a front that they were the spiritual guy and to maybe get, just to get, the girl so they were just being a peacock fluffing feathers and now that they get got the girl, you know they can go back into. I don't have to try so hard because I have the girl.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but do you understand how messed up that is for a woman who is genuinely trying to love the Lord and follow his plan? Like? What a deception that is for a guy to be like I'm going to use this right to attract this girl right.

Speaker 2:

That's why solid dating is so important solid, taking your time to get to know this person and go through a few seasons yes before you're like all right, this is this. Is it you know?

Speaker 1:

what I mean. You gotta test the fruit that's right.

Speaker 2:

That's that's exactly what I was going for. Is you gotta see him through thick and thin? You gotta see him go through the challenges and see how he responds. Does he respond with prayer or his prayer only on sunday? Does he respond with I gotta go on a fast or is fasting like unheard?

Speaker 1:

of never done.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean and not to say that if you don't fast, you're not spiritual leader, right. But if that's the kind of spiritual life you crave, you know, is that something you're gonna do? And for the guys where you're at, you gotta ask yourself am I doing this for me, am I doing this for my relationship with god? Or am I doing this to put on, to put to, like you said, like be a peacock and fluff my feathers so that I look great for somebody else? And once I have that achieve that goal, I'm just gonna let it fall by the wayside yeah right.

Speaker 2:

Am I out here on a spiritual journey or am I out here just on a natural journey, trying to get something in this in the real world? Yeah you know, I mean not in the spiritual world yeah and so those are huge, huge concerns. Even, you know, as a father with a daughter, like she'd come home with some buster, I'm gonna definitely oh, we definitely be on, definitely, and so that's a whole same, that's a whole nother topic right Parenting and dealing with helping your kids on their spiritual journey.

Speaker 2:

But for the guys, keep it real and watch your motivation. What is your motivation If your motivation is being close to God, maintaining that relationship and coming from a pure heart place? You're not going to have to worry about it. You're always going to have to stay focused on maintaining a relationship, maintaining your spiritual discipline. Right yeah, Good leaders are disciplined. Good leaders are enduring. Good leaders are patient. You're always going to have to work on those areas.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm but doing it for the right motivation is huge. Now, as we're talking, we got into a lot of young relationship stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, when they first meet people, what?

Speaker 2:

this looks like 10, 7, 10 years later is totally different, right? So now we've been married 11 years and have gone through ups and downs in our spiritual journey and I haven't always been the top notch spiritual leader and I've had seasons where I have been the spiritual leader.

Speaker 1:

Yes, right, yes, and it does go in waves up and down with life right, but there are a lot of married couples out there who are stagnant because the male is not there. They're, they're doing all the right things, again, they're doing the right things, but they just don't have that fire for the Lord. And it's really, you know, I think, when women are saying I want them to be a spiritual leader, I want them to take this spiritual initiative in our home and in our marriage, I really think what it comes down to is I don't see you having this one-on-one personal relationship with God. I don't see you communing with him. I don't see you inquiring things about life with him. I don't see you saying the Lord put this on my heart, the Lord is telling me to move in this way. We don't see spiritual gifts in action.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so all of these things are making the woman, the mother, the wife, making it feel like we are in a dry season.

Speaker 1:

You know season. Yes, you were going to church and we're being diligent and we're volunteering, but if I don't see the personal coming back to the home, if I don't see that personal fire coming back to the home so that it could spread to the rest of our household, then it wearies me, it makes me wonder you know, how much are you doing behind the scenes? And then it starts to you know especially oh my gosh, I can't believe we forgot about this but when they don't take the initiative to be like let's pray together, let's have a devotional together, let's study the word together, let's do things together. Because there was a season it was very hard for us, when you were working a lot and we had just became new parents where we were not doing things together, and so I often questioned it and you would get very defensive because you were like I pray, I pray in my car, I pray when I'm at work, I pray, I talk to God, I'm doing this.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't bringing it home and putting it with you, but you weren't bringing it to me.

Speaker 1:

You weren't doing it together, and so for me, I felt like that caused a spiritual friction between us, because we had such a beautiful wedding. And if you guys are really taking marriage seriously, then you guys know that the wedding was designed by Christ, the marriage was created by Christ, by all of these things. So it's such a personal three-chord thing, right? Only for you guys then, years later, because of tough seasons, to be like no, I'm doing it my way, this way, on my own time, and then we're over here, my way, this way, on my own time, and then we're over here. It feels like the cord unravels, despite you doing your personal thing and despite us going to church for the kids to bring it back to each other.

Speaker 1:

I think that's where women are feeling the frustration and we just don't know what to do. We can't just be like hey, we want you to pray with us. Hey, we want you to read the Bible with us. Here, here's a devotional, here's a book, because when we do that, sometimes it's not always heard and it goes back to what you said last week, forcing him into what potential you see of him.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and and. For the guys it's got to come from inside, right. So you got to want it, you got to see it and you got to take spiritual leadership seriously. And when she comes to you and says, hey, you're not meeting my expectations here, you know what can we do? You might get defensive, it might hurt, right it might come and be like whoa, what do do you mean?

Speaker 2:

I do this and this and this, but she's coming from a place of sometimes how she says it might not be the way you you want to hear it are you speaking from experience.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and sometimes you're gonna have to just just bite your tongue and accept the correction and move forward and say, hey, take a little internal, look internal and say what do I need to rework here to meet the spiritual expectation that God has on me? This isn't from your wife, she's just going by what God said. God said the man's going to be the leader of the house. God said the man's going to be the spiritual light. That's how the marriage is set up and you got to meet that. You got to meet that expectation.

Speaker 1:

It starts to get very upsetting when you could see your man put so much time into watching a four-hour game on Sunday, okay, or Thursday, or sometimes Monday, right.

Speaker 2:

Always yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but then you don't even have time to read a one-page couple's devotional, but you don't even have time to talk about what you guys just heard in a sermon on a Sunday morning on your way back home. But you don't even have time in the middle of the week to pray and hear each other's hearts and to be like I want to pray over you or you pray over me and just have that intimate moment together.

Speaker 2:

One of the great things that becomes frustrating.

Speaker 2:

Okay, one of the great things we did, I this like vividly. We started, we started that, that pray, I would pray for you and then you would, you would speak words of affirmation around me in the morning, just before, just the beginning of the day, and that was one of the baby steps we took to really start building towards that. Once we were coming out of this season of this hardness and this just distractions yeah, for lack of a better word, that was one of those great things we did to break out of it. It still keeps going back to what we talked about last week, where guys have to find it inside themselves yes, right, yes so when you get to that point where your wife is like, hey, why aren't we connecting?

Speaker 2:

Or if you're just like, hey, I haven't been connected with my wife spiritually, I haven't been being patient with her, I haven't been showing forgiveness like I should, you need to. It has to come from inside first. Yes, right. So then you have to be in tune with that Holy Spirit saying, hey, this is what's going on and take that first step to first center yourself and realign yourself with God's calling for you. God's called us to be in his word. God's called us to be spiritually awake and alert and to make good spiritual choices. Maybe there's things you need to cut out of your life. Maybe there's a time that you got to recalibrate, to get back to. I got to give this time to God. I got to start my mornings giving time to God. I got to start my end my days giving time back to God, so that that connection is natural. And then from there the motivation comes inside to say, hey, I need to realign with my wife, I need to realign and connect with her spiritually.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And to grow this family spiritually. And then from there it all just trickles down.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Then you're having family devotional time, Then you're praying. You know, maybe you're praying in the car before a Little League game. You're praying in the car before a little league game.

Speaker 1:

You're praying in the car. Before it becomes a first thought, it becomes last resort right, you know right it's. It's so interesting because you you mentioned, you know, prayer should be one of the first things you go to. And it's the same thing with everything I mean we did way back when we did a series on intimacy and we said, in order for you to get intimate in all of the other areas physically, emotionally, mentally intimate with each other you had to start with the spiritual part.

Speaker 2:

You had to start with there.

Speaker 1:

I think the reason why is because when you really break it down, if you guys are a Christian married couple, then your spouse loves God more than you, loves God more than you, more than the kids loves God. God is first in their life. So if you're not connecting with the first thing she's turning to, the first thing where her heart is going to, then you're creating this division between each other. And if you want to get closer to her, if you're wondering why your late night pillow talk times have been few and far between, if you are wondering why when you guys communicate, you guys just aren't on the same page, if you're wondering why things are just off, if you're wondering why things are just off, get to her heart, understand her heart. How do you get to her heart other than to knock on the door of where God lives and be like yo God, give me some pointers. What can I do to help love my wife better?

Speaker 2:

And for the guys, spiritual leadership, what you're getting to I want to support your point here. Spiritual leadership requires and has accountability. And how many of us guys don't look to our wife for accountability?

Speaker 2:

yeah you know she might bring it when you're not ready for it. But how many of us aren't like, hey, how am I doing in this area? Am I meeting your needs in this area? To just just ask her bluntly am I, how am I doing as a spiritual leader? But when you ask that, be vulnerable enough for her to tell you the truth.

Speaker 2:

I think that's the key, and push her enough to tell you the truth. Don't just accept oh, you're doing okay. No, like what can I do better? What have been some spiritual highlights that you've seen lately?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what I mean and get into the weeds with her about that, so that even just having that conversation yeah will help her be like whoa, this dude's really trying, this dude really cares so there's this lack of humility, because to have that kind of conversation, a husband really needs to humble themselves right and put themselves in a position to not only listen but but to be willing to change, and that requires humility.

Speaker 2:

Humility, and Jesus taught servant leadership. How can I serve you, wife? Yeah, want to be a great leader, put that in your vocabulary. How can I serve you honey? How can I serve you honey? How can I serve you today? That is spiritual leadership at its most, most, I want to say baseline, but at its most elementary form that servant leadership 101. How can I serve you today?

Speaker 1:

that is flirting.

Speaker 1:

In some cases, seriously, that is flirting because when you start to have those conversations, yeah, and you start to show your humility and you start to have those conversations and you start to show your humility and you start to show like I am not bigger than God and I am not Lord of this house, but the Lord is the Lord of this house, and I want to reach him. In order to reach you, I want him to tell me things about your heart and things about your desires that you can never explain or break down for me, the things that I am doing, and God will. God will speak to you. He'll tell you when to buy the flowers. He'll tell you when to apologize.

Speaker 1:

He'll tell you when to buy things, he'll tell you when to caress her back and let her know. You don't have to note the hormonal changes and you don't have to wait for her to say it or yell it out and spell it out for you. Holy Spirit will help you.

Speaker 2:

It's from a lady's mouth, guys.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying, and because of that, because we see how in tune with you that you are, it makes us more drawn to you. It makes us just like I just want to be connected to this guy. Yeah, oh, this guy gets me. Oh, my gosh, I, I just feel so secure where he is and where he's putting me and where he's putting us right, that I will, we'll do anything, we'll go to the depths, we'll, we'll, we'll make it work. We'll, we'll change right, because we see you change right. You know you change, and it's just a reciprocated thing and it's such a beautiful thing when it happens. And so, couples, if you're out there and you're struggling with this, I pray you get to this place, because it is a really beautiful, sweet spot in your marriage when you guys can allow the Holy Spirit to come and work through you and when the husband is willing to do that, when he's humble to do that, and when the woman is just like, okay, yes, let's go, let's do it, let's go all in.

Speaker 1:

If you're down, I'm down and we can be down together and it's just a wonderful place. So I pray that you guys get there.

Speaker 2:

If you're not there, I pray that what Kyle is saying is going to help you and it's going to edify you. It sounds like you got something else. You want to say one more thing With the guys. If you're struggling for where to start or how to start this, it's as simple as starting a new devotional for yourself. It's going to start in here inside your own heart, and that's going to overflow into being like wait. I want to connect this with my wife's heart now.

Speaker 2:

You can't just force it to go from zero to. I'm doing this with my wife a hundred percent.

Speaker 1:

So he has to do it on his own.

Speaker 2:

first, I really think that it starts inside and it grows out of your relationship because, frankly, if that's how you start and you go hey, honey, we got to start doing this devotional every day. She might like that, but it's going to. It's going to come out as forced and it's going to come out as ingenuine because, okay, he's drawn me, I've been doing my own devotional, right, you know what I mean. Right, it's got to be something that you own inside, that you own for yourself.

Speaker 1:

That's good.

Speaker 2:

And then it overflows to your family.

Speaker 1:

So you got to give him some space to do his thing, to let him work. And then it comes out of an overflow. Yeah, okay, amen, that's really good. I think that's great help for the man, it's great help for the woman, because now we know, okay, we got to ease up a little bit and let him just have room to work with, let Holy Spirit work with him, and I think that's a great way to just kind of wrap up this episode.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know we talked a lot. There was a lot to digest Women and men. We hope your frustrations were heard. We hope the tools and the tips that Kyle and I kind of voiced at are helpful, and I think this is a great time to just kind of pray over you guys, if you will, and close out this episode.

Speaker 2:

I'm with it.

Speaker 1:

Do you want to pray?

Speaker 2:

I'd be glad to. Lord, we are grateful for this time, for all the listeners that you've allowed us to connect with, and we pray that they're able to take these words, apply them, to reinforce them with your scripture and to see you in all of them. Lord, we pray that your Holy Spirit would be at work in these relationships every day, that the men would have the internal drive and the internal Holy Spirit pushing them to be better for their family, to be better for their house, and that the women would have the patience and understanding to meet their husband where he's at and to help him however he can and however he wants to be helped. And, lord, we just pray for spiritual growth, spiritual discipline in the homes and in the families, and we thank you that they are on this journey with us and that you have brought us all together. We give you the glory in Jesus's name, amen.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, guys, so much for watching, tuning in. We hope that you enjoyed this episode and, if you did, please go ahead and like, share, subscribe. If you're on YouTube, if you're listening on any of the podcast platforms, then please go ahead and give us a review. Those five stars mean so much to us to help get the word across. Shout out to everybody that we've been reaching out to everybody in Texas I see you. Everybody in the UK, everybody, um, I seen some people in Russia. I've seen people all over the world. So we just want to say thank you so much for your support, for listening to us, and we hope that you continue to love by faith and we'll see you again next week.

Speaker 2:

Love by faith.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Rope, rope, yep. What is rope? Rope and a big lock.

Speaker 1:

What is that? What are you talking about?

Speaker 2:

Stop the interruptions.

Speaker 1:

You can't be telling people on the internet that you got to use rope and locks for our children. I didn't say anything about the kids. What? What interruption? The dog, the dog. I will kick the dog. I guess I can't say that either. Dang, he's a good dog to kyle, to kyle, and the children are wonderful. Blessings from the lord arrows in my quiver arrows in the quiver. But man, they, they got on my nerves today.

Speaker 2:

They interrupted us like eight times you know how hard it is to make an arrow do you know how hard it is to make?

Speaker 1:

have you made an arrow?

Speaker 2:

no, but you. Literally. It has to be so straight that it flies straight. And then the tip, the the arrowhead, has to be attached on there so good that it doesn't break when it hits into whatever it's shout out to the arrow makers oh, dude, there's a. Um person who makes an arrow has a sweet like title what is it? Called like. Like a metal guy is a smith and a shoemaker is a cobbler. Yeah, like an arrow maker has a special name, can't think of it okay, I have a random thought.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the elves wait, the people who make shoes are called cobblers, but the elves are called keeblers is it keebler elf? Yeah is it because they make the cookies the key? But that doesn't relate to shoot. I'm all over the place, guys, we're done, we're done. Good day.

Speaker 2:

Who's it at A Fletcher?

Speaker 1:

A Fletcher Is an arrow A person who makes an arrow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I knew it.

Speaker 1:

Fletcher, Fletcher, Cobbler, Keeblers and Smiths, oh my.

Speaker 2:

All right.

People on this episode